Arras Hospital : Hospitals, healthcare facilities

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  5. Arras Hospital : Hospitals, healthcare facilities

Do you live in Arras or the Arrageois region and are looking for a clinic or hospital in Arras ? Here are the main addresses you need to know, and then we’ll remind you how essential it is to have access to healthcare facilities close to home, whether you live in the Communauté Urbaine d’Arras(CUA) or elsewhere.

Hospitals and health establishments in Arras and the Arrageois region

There is a hospital in Arras, as well as a private hospital.

Arras Hospital

  • Postal address: Boulevard Besnier BP 914 62022 Arras
  • Telephone:

Hôpital privé Arras Les Bonnettes

  • Postal address: 2 Rue du Dr Forgeois, 62000 Arras
  • Telephone:

Other health facilities in the city

  • Hopale Rehabilitation Center
  • Postal address: Bd Georges Besnier, 62000 Arras (close to the above address)
  • Telephone:

The importance of having healthcare facilities close to home

In a society where health is a growing priority, proximity to healthcare facilities is not just a convenience, it’s a necessity. Hospitals and clinics play a crucial role in preserving and improving public health, directly influencing the quality of life of individuals and the health of the community as a whole. They are not only places of care, they are also pillars of prevention, education and support within the community. Accessibility to quality care close to home has a significant impact on people’s lives in many ways. With doctors in a range of specialties, such facilities, along with GPs and other specialist doctors, provide people in a given geographical area with a comprehensive range of healthcare services. Add pharmacies to meet the needs for drugs prescribed by the health professionals we have just mentioned, and OTC products (Over The Counter) products, as defined below, to maximize the chances of effective treatment. hospital centers

Rapid response in emergencies

In a medical emergency, every minute counts. Proximity to a healthcare facility can make the difference in the most critical situations. Having a hospital right next door capable of providing a rapid response to life-threatening emergencies such as heart attack, stroke or serious injury is therefore particularly reassuring, and improves the chances of survival for those living nearby.

Access to primary health care

Access to primary healthcare is crucial for any community. Local healthcare facilities play a fundamental role in providing accessible medical care, especially for vulnerable populations. These centers offer essential services and guarantee rapid intervention in the event of an emergency. This accessibility is particularly vital for the elderly and children, who may be in poorer health, as well as for anyone in a situation requiring regular care.

Economic impact

The presence of hospitals and clinics also has a positive economic impact in the areas where these healthcare establishments are located. They are a serious consideration for for people seeking employment in Arras and stimulate the local economy. Residents don’t have to travel too far to receive quality care, which saves time and money.

Reducing health disparities

The availability of public hospitals nearby helps to reduce disparities in access to healthcare across the population.
For people in precarious economic situations, access to healthcare services is a blessing. Making healthcare more accessible improves health outcomes for all. This contributes to a more equitable society where health is not determined by place of residence or socio-economic status. health professionals

Prevention and health education

Local health establishments such as hospitals play a key role in disease prevention and community health education.
They organize awareness campaigns on various health topics, such as nutrition, physical exercise, stress management and so on. These centers also provide information and resources to help prevent chronic and communicable diseases.
The presence of recognized health professionals in the community can thus encourage residents to adopt healthier lifestyles and make informed decisions about their health.

Innovation and research

Local healthcare facilities are often home to centers of innovation and research and/or academic learning. They provide fertile ground for clinical studies and research projects, contributing to medical progress. By participating in research, these centers help to develop new treatments and disease prevention strategies. This research not only benefits the local community, but can also have a global impact by providing new solutions to broader health challenges.