Public high schools in Arras (general and vocational baccalaureate)

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  5. Public high schools in Arras (general and vocational baccalaureate)

In Arras, there are seven high schools spread across the city offering course sections to local high school students.
Here are the different places to enroll your children before, perhaps, they go on to university.

Lycée Carnot d’Arras

The Lycée Carnot is also a middle school. It prepares students for the Bac Général and Technologique, serves as a Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) and offers BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) classes. The lycée offers the following subjects for the Baccalauréat:

  • Modern Language 1 (LV1) : German, English
  • Modern Language 2 (LV2) : German, English, Spanish, Italian.

Optional options such as LV2 and EPS (Physical and Sports Education on Badminton and Rugby) are also available. It also offers the ISI, ISP and MPI destination courses in preparation. Which means:

  • ISI: Introduction to engineering sciences ;
  • ISP: IT and production systems ;
  • MPI: Mathematics, Physics, Computing.

Location and contact

The Lycée Carnot is located opposite the Lycée Gambetta in the city center. Its address is 25 Boulevard Carnot

The secretary’s telephone number: 03 21 21 34 80.

Lycée Gambetta

The Lycée Gambetta in Arras is a large local high school and middle school with over 400 students (photo on the front page). The lycée offers a wide range of specialties for the baccalaureate:

  • Séries L, S, ES and STG ;
  • Sports sections: canoeing and swimming;
  • Modern language 1: English, German, Russian ;
  • Modern language 2: English, German, Spanish ;
  • Modern language 2: Spanish, Russian, Italian, Chinese ;
  • Ancient languages: Latin and Greek;
  • European sections: German and English ;
  • BTS: Insurance and Real Estate Professions;
  • Classes préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles: economics, literature and paramedicine.

Location and contact

To get to the lycée, go to 25, Boulevard Carnot, just a few meters from the other lycée of the same name :

Switchboard: 03 21 21 34 80

Agro-environmental high school in Arras

If you take the route de Cambrai towards Tilloy-lès-Mofflaines, you’ll find what the people of Arras call the Lycée Agricole. At this campus, you can prepare for the Bac pro Aménagements paysagers, the Bac pro Conduite et gestion de l’entreprise agricole, the CAP agricole Jardinier paysagiste, the CAP agricole Métiers de l’agriculture, as well as the Bac Général and the Bac techno STAV sciences et technologies de l’agronomie et du vivant. Post-bac courses are also available, such as :

  • CS Landscape Construction apprenticeship (1 year) ;
  • BTSA (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Agricole) Agronomy: plant production ;
  • BTSA Landscaping ;
  • BTSA Agricultural Business Analysis, Management and Strategy;
  • BTSA Nature management and protection ;
  • The CS Technical Sales Manager apprenticeship ;
  • CS Agro-equipment technical sales manager (apprenticeship) ;
  • Licence pro in landscaping: design, management and maintenance.

Location and contact

Located at 1 route de Cambrai in Tilloy-lès-Mofflaines (62217), the LEGTA agricultural campus can be reached on 03 21 60 73 00.

Lycée Alain Savary Jules Ferry

The lycée Alain Savary Jules Ferry is particularly well known for preparing students for professional  baccalaureates:

  • BAC PRO Reception ;
  • BAC PRO Trades in commerce and sales option A Sales and marketing management ;
  • BAC PRO Commerce and Sales Option B Prospecting and marketing ;
  • BAC PRO Commercialisation et Services en Restauration ;
  • BAC PRO Cuisine ;
  • BAC PRO Accompagnement, soins et services à la personne option A “à domicile” ;
  • BAC PRO Accompagnement, soins et services à la personne Option B: “en structure” ;
  • BAC PRO Maintenance of agricultural equipment option A ;
  • BAC PRO Hairdressing ;
  • BAC PRO Esthétique cosmétique parfumerie ;
  • BAC PRO Maintenance of Connected Production Systems ;
  • BAC PRO Trades in electricity and connected environments ;
  • BAC PRO Digital Systems option B Audiovisual, Network and Domestic Equipment ;
  • BAC PRO Hygiene, Cleanliness, Sterilization ;
  • BAC PRO Métiers du cuir option maroquinerie.

there are also post-bac courses with :

  • The BTS in Hairdressing ;
  • BTS in Environmental Services ;
  • BTS Systems Maintenance option D ;
  • BTS Métiers de l’esthétique-cosmétique-parfumerie Option B: training-brands ;
  • BTS Métiers de l’esthétique-cosmétique-parfumerie Option C: cosmetology.

Location and contact

14, avenue Jean Zay, Arras.

Switchboard telephone number: 03 21 23 83 83.


Lycée Jacques Le Caron

The Lycée Jacques Le Caron offers a range of professional training courses, including CAP and Bac Pro. The following diplomas are available: BEP (after 3ème Générale or 3ème technologique) :

  • Techniques de l’Architecture et de l’habitat ;
  • Building shell techniques ;
  • Roofing techniques ;
  • Sanitary and heating systems ;
  • Wood and Associated Materials.

Two two-year CAP courses considered BEP :

  • Stone mason – Building and decoration marble work ;
  • Tiler.

The Bac Pro Techniques du Bâtiment – Étude et Économie, the Bac Pro Construction Bâtiment Gros-Oeuvre and the Bac Pro Aménagement Finition are also available. Finally, several CAPs are prepared on site:

  • CAP Mason ;
  • CAP Plasterer – Drywaller ;
  • Le CAP Couvreur ;
  • CAP Painter and Coating Applicator;
  • The CAP (vocational training certificate) Preparation and execution of electrical works ;
  • CAP Carpenter.

lycee jacques le caron

High school location and contact

Lycée Jacques Le Caron is located at 61 Avenue de l’Hippodrome, 62000 Arras.

The switchboard number is : 03 21 23 83 83″. >03 21 23 83 83.

Lycée Robespierre

Arras’ renowned Lycée, which we have already Robespierre offers a range of courses before and after the baccalauréat: The Baccalauréat ES (Economic and Social Baccalauréat) :

  • ES: Economics – languages ;
  • ES: Economics – mathematics ;
  • ES: Economics – social sciences.

Baccalauréat L (Literary Baccalauréat) :

  • L: Letters – art – music ;
  • L: Classics ;
  • L: Literature – modern languages ;
  • L: Literature – math.

Baccalauréat S (Scientific Baccalaureate):

  • S: Sciences – math ;
  • S: Sciences – physics chemistry ;
  • S: Sciences – SVT (Life and Earth Sciences).

Baccalauréat STG (Baccalauréat sciences et technologies du management et de la gestion):

  • STG: Accounting and corporate finance ;
  • STG: Marketing.

The school offers the following specialities:

  • Modern language 1: German, English ;
  • Modern language 2: German, English, Spanish ;
  • Modern language 3: Spanish, Dutch ;
  • European sections: English, Spanish (LV2) ;
  • Sports section: Rugby (reputed) ;
  • Determination courses: LV2, LV3, Latin, SES, IGC, Music, MPI ;
  • Optional options: LV3, Latin, Plastic arts, Music.

High school location and contact

Lycée Robespierre is located on Avenue des Fusillés 62000 ARRAS, near Place Victor Hugo – Telephone 03 21 16 14 20.

Lycée Guy Mollet

Named after the town’s emblematic former mayor, the Lycée

lycée polyvalent Guy Mollet offers a range of baccalaureate diplomas for its students :

  • General Bac ;
  • Bac ST2S (health and social sciences and technologies);
  • The Bac Technologies de la Santé et du Social ;
  • Bac STL (Baccalauréat sciences et technologies de laboratoire);
  • BAC STMG (Baccalauréat sciences et technologies du management et de la gestion);
  • BAC professionnel Gestion administration.

There are also post-baccalaureate courses such as :

  • BTS Accounting and Management ;
  • The BTS in International Trade with a European frame of reference ;
  • BTS Operational Sales Management;
  • BTS Support for managerial action.

But also the DTS IMRT (Imagerie Médicale Et Radiologie Thérapeutique). lycee guy mollet

Location and contact

Just a stone’s throw from the University of Arras and the Elie Desbin swimming pool, Lycée Guy Mollet can be reached on 03 21 21 49 50.

The address is 57 Rue Bocquet Flochel, 62000 Arras.
