The 6 business parks of the urban community of Arras

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  5. The 6 business parks of the urban community of Arras

The Communauté Urbaine d’Arras (CUA) occupies an undeniably strategic position at the heart of the Hauts-de-France region, at the crossroads of major European economic axes. It is criss-crossed by several major infrastructures, such as the A1 and A26 freeways, as well as a TGV station with rapid links to Paris, Brussels and London. This privileged location attracts many companies, particularly those looking for development opportunities in a dynamic, well-connected employment area. Several of the CUA’s business parks stand out for their size, diversity and contribution to the regional economy.

Actiparc : The industrial giant

Actiparc, located in the communes of Athies, Bailleul-Sire-Berthoult, Gavrelle and Saint-Laurent-Blangy, covers a vast area of 280 hectares. The park is a real economic engine for the region, with 35 active companies generating over 1,900 jobs. Thanks to its proximity to the A1 and A26 freeways, Actiparc offers ideal accessibility for companies in the logistics and industrial sectors, which account for a significant proportion of the park’s activities. The site has been developed by the Communauté Urbaine d’Arras with performance and environmental concerns in mind, with infrastructures modernized to accommodate large-scale projects. Resident companies include several foreign-owned firms, such as Shimano (Japan), Leroy Fishcut (Norway) and Vandemoortele (Belgium), reflecting the park’s international appeal. The park also boasts all the amenities required for the comfort of companies and their employees, such as a public transport service linking it to the Arras train station, a crèche and a company restaurant.
Actiparc also boasts high-speed broadband access, a must for modern businesses.

Geographical location of Actiparc :

Artoipole: International appeal

Located in the communes of Feuchy, Monchy-le-Preux and Wancourt, Artoipole is another large-scale business park, covering an area of 175 hectares. The park is distinguished by its focus on foreign-owned companies, which are strongly represented. Indeed, ten of the 63 companies here are subsidiaries of international groups from countries such as Japan, the USA, Belgium and Italy. One of Artoipole’s major strengths is its position on the A1 freeway, providing a visible showcase for companies wishing to benefit from increased visibility on this busy thoroughfare.
The park is particularly well known for its high-quality landscaping and state-of-the-art infrastructure, including high-speed broadband and a business incubator specializing in the agri-food industry. Artoipole is home to a wide variety of business sectors, including logistics, agri-food and metallurgy. For example, Vandemoortele, Europe’s leading industrial bakery, has a plant here that plays a key role in the local economy. The park also benefits from synergies with other major local economic players, such as the nearby Häagen-Dazs factory.

Location of Artoipole (Zones 1 & 2) :

Les Bonnettes : A technology and services hub

Les Bonnettes, created in 1990, is located near the Arras golf course and covers 60 hectares. This business park is particularly geared towards high-tech and service sector companies. Its well-kept environment and modern infrastructure make it a prime choice for companies looking to set up in a functional and pleasant environment.
Les Bonnettes is home to design offices, IT companies and teleinsurance centers such as GMF. The park is also home to companies specializing in the calibration of measuring instruments and other business services. In addition, Synergie Park offers high-quality office buildings, tailored to the needs of companies looking for flexibility and connectivity. Easy access to major roads, including the RN39 to the coast, and proximity to Arras town center, make Les Bonnettes a prime location for companies seeking a strategic location. What’s more, the park stands out for its particular attention to architectural and environmental quality, reinforcing its attractiveness to companies in the service sector.

The geographical location of Parc des Bonnettes :

Dainville-Achicourt : A booming business park

The Dainville-Achicourt business park is located southwest of Arras, on the RD 925, linking the town to Doullens and Amiens. With a total surface area of 70 hectares, this park combines spaces reserved for commerce with others dedicated to industry and services. A special feature of the park is the amount of land still available, with 13 hectares ready to welcome new companies. Initially developed by the commune of Dainville, the park has been extended to Achicourt to meet growing demand from businesses. Notable residents include national players such as Air Liquide and Knauf, transport companies such as Coupé, and a host of local SMEs, service providers and craftsmen. One of Dainville-Achicourt’s major assets is its excellent accessibility, thanks in particular to its proximity to the Arras ring road. This makes Dainville-Achicourt an ideal location for companies looking for fluid logistics, linked to the region’s main roads. What’s more, the park’s modern infrastructure and pleasant working environment make it an attractive zone for companies from a wide range of sectors. The Comité Nord des Plants de Pommes de Terre, located on the edge of the park, is a flagship element of the local agri-food cluster. This cutting-edge research center brings together 420 seed potato growers, and carries out certification and varietal development work, reinforcing the park’s attractiveness to agribusiness players.

Geographical location of the Dainville-Achicourt business park :

The industrial zone is: A historic economic pillar

The Zone Industrielle Est, straddling the communes ofArras, Saint-Laurent-Blangy and Tilloy-les-Mofflaines, is one of the oldest and largest business parks in the Communauté Urbaine d’Arras. Created in the 1970s, it extends over several hundred hectares and has attracted over a hundred companies from a wide range of sectors, contributing to the local economy with around 2,000 jobs. Although the area no longer has any land available for sale, it still offers opportunities with vacant buildings for sale or rent. In response to growing demand, a 48.5-hectare extension project is currently under discussion, which will further enhance the zone’s attractiveness. The Zone Industrielle Est is home to a wide range of activities, from logistics to industrial production. Leading companies include Enersys, a battery manufacturer employing 600 people, logistician FM Logistic, and Roll Gom, the world’s leading manufacturer of wheels for dustbins and wheelbarrows. Specialized companies such as Oldham, which manufactures gas detectors, are also located here. The business park is ideally located, just three minutes from the A1 freeway and close to Arras town center, offering direct access to transport infrastructures. It is also home to the Créartois business incubator, managed by the CCI Artois, which supports young innovative companies in their development.

The location of the East industrial zone :

Le parc des Meuniers: A space dedicated to SMEs and craftsmen

The Parc des Meuniers, located in Thélus, is a smaller-scale business park, but particularly well-suited to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and craftsmen. With a surface area of 15 hectares, this park stands out for its smaller plot sizes, ideal for companies requiring less space than in large industrial zones. Close to the A26 freeway and located between Arras and Lens, the park benefits from excellent accessibility. The Parc des Meuniers is currently home to seven companies operating in a variety of sectors, including gas and dust detection (Detecta Services), painting (Crédeco) and joinery (Peru). This mix of craft and industrial know-how contributes to the area’s economic diversity. The park is also designed to offer optimal conditions for SMEs looking to set up in the region, while benefiting from a high-quality environment and proximity to a major transport network. Thanks to its strategic positioning, the park continues to attract new companies looking for accessible, well-served plots of land adapted to their specific needs. The Parc des Meuniers thus plays an important role as a local hub for the development of small businesses and craft activities.

The geographical location of parc des Meuniers :

To conclude on the CUA’s business parks

The Communauté Urbaine d’Arras is a key player in economic development in the Hauts-de-France region, thanks to its diversified and perfectly located business parks. These different locations illustrate the region’s ability to attract internationally renowned companies, while offering infrastructures tailored to their specific needs. With a dense employment pool, excellent road and rail links, and modern facilities, the CUA offers companies an environment conducive to their development. Companies looking to set up in a dynamic, well-connected region will find unique opportunities to develop their activities in these parks. Thanks to a range of immediately available land and facilities tailored to industrial, logistics and tertiary sector requirements, Arras and its Urban Community have become one of the most attractive areas in Northern Europe.
