On November 7, 1991, the Ministry of Higher Education gave the go-ahead for the first academic year at the Université d’Artois a year later, in October 1992. This followed the “Universités 2000” plan launched by French Education Minister Lionel Jospin in 1990. Spread over Arras, Béthune, Douai, Lens and Liévin, the Université d’Artois comprises a total of 8 UFR (Unité de Formation et de Recherche) and two IUT (Institut Universitaire Technologique), 7 laboratories and 4 Domaines d’Intérêt Majeur (DIM). In Arras, the university cluster was inaugurated by former senator and mayor Léon Fatous and first president Alain Lottin, and historically includes theHistory, Geography and HeritageUFR, theForeign Languages UFR, theLiterature and Arts UFR and theEGASS (Economics, Management, Administration and Social Sciences). Courses from BAC+1 to Bac +8 (Licence, Master, Doctorat) are available for students from all over the world.
The UFR of History, Geography and Heritage of Arras
Enablingstudents tostudy history or geography, this UFR in Arras also prepares them for teaching competitions such as the CAPES (Certificat d’aptitude au professorat de l’enseignement du second degré) and the agrégation interne. Through lectures and tutorials, students have the opportunity to perfect their knowledge with renowned university professors such as Frédéric Turpin and Agnès Walch. For those interested in teaching history, it’s also an opportunity to tackle themes such as local history from the Master’s level upwards.
Foreign Languages Department
At the heart of the Cité Universitaire, you’ll find theUFR for foreign languages. It accounts for around a third of the students on the Arras site. There are two main streams for students in this UFR, namely the following bachelor’s degrees :
- Langues, Littératures, Civilisations Étrangères et Régionale (LLCER – foreign and regional languages, literatures and civilizations), which enables students to study languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese, and deepen their linguistic knowledge and skills ;
- Langues Étrangères Appliquées (LEA), which allows students to study two languages at the same time : English & Chinese or English & Arabic or English & German or English & Spanish.
UFR of Letters and Arts
Historically, the UFR de Lettres et Arts prepares students for teaching competitions such as the CAPES, the Agrégation interne de Lettres Modernes and the CAPLP (Certificat d’aptitude au professorat de lycée professionnel) Lettres-Histoire. There are two research centers: Textes et Cultures and Grammatica. Digital resources and the university library (named Alain Lottin after the French historian and President of the University of Artois) are available to students. The UFR de lettres et arts d’Arras has three main courses: Lettres, Arts du Spectacle and Lettres-Histoire-Droit.

Alain Lottin University Library
The UFR EGASS of the faculty
In this EGASS UFR, which accounts for a large proportion of students, it is possible to prepare for the Licence administration économique et sociale as well as the Licence Économie et Gestion. This curriculum offers real professionalization, with significant internship periods, work-study programs for Master’s students, and the participation of professionals in the courses offered. After the Bachelor’s degree, it is possible to study for thirteen different Master’s degrees, such as a Master’s in Entrepreneurship and Project Management, or a Master’s in Marketing, Sales, Commerce and Merchandising.
Location of the Université d’Artois in Arras
A little way from the city center, the university is located on the Route de Cambrai, after passing along the Parc du Rietz-Saint-Sauveur and near the Elie Desbin swimming pool.
The address is 9 Rue du Temple, Arras :
Since its creation, the Arras university campus has evolved considerably, and while the buildings of the various UFRs have grown in size, student accommodation and other services have also been developed over time.